Two Storey Residential Villa Design
Two storey residential villa
Address: Gobardanga
Area: 2345 sq.ft.
Ground floor: 1370 sq.ft
First floor: 1420 sq.ft.
Building height: 7.35 m
The overall design of this house is modern and elegant. The walls are surrounded by large glass windows, guaranteeing that there are natural light and ventilation around the house. The walls are painted in shades of light gray and dark gray, with wooden panel walls. It has flat roofing, giving the exterior a clean and minimalist facade.
The walls inside the house are painted in cream, complete with an elegant marble design tiles. The ground floor is ideal for all the living spaces: the living room, the porch, the kitchen, the common bathroom, the laundry area, the garage, and the sit out area. The second floor is ideal for the bedrooms, common toilet and bath, and the veranda.